ITMO University
invites you to take part in the Third Edition of Doctoral Summer School on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials for PhD, Master students, engineers, postdocs and researchers.
The internationally recognized scientists will give a series of talks in the field of their expertise.
The School is organized by the Department of Nanophotonics and Metamaterials of ITMO University.
This year the School will be held within the scope of the II International Congress "Lasers & Photonics".
School participants will be able to attend all the presentations, plenary lectures and exhibitions organized within the Congress.
Doctoral Summer School on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials is held with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project № 18-32-10017.
We cordially invite you to take part as a lecturer in the forthcoming School events. Please contact School Program Chair to request more information.
Yuri Kivshar
Australian National University, Australia
"All-dielectric Mie-resonant nanophotonics"
Gerd Leuchs
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Germany / Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany / Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
"Polarization vortices and transverse angular momentum of light" "A single atom at the focal point of a parabolic mirror"
Rémi Carminati
ESPCI Paris, France
"Shaping the photonic density of states at the nanoscale"
Andrei Lavrinenko
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
"Plasmonics and metamaterials in sensing"
Q-Han Park
Korea University, Korea
"Universal Impedance Matching and metamaterials"
Alexander Poddubny
Ioffe Institute, Russia
"Resonant optomechanics with semiconductor nanostructures"
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
"Complex Evolutionary Photonics for renewable energy harvesting, artificial intelligent nanolasers and advanced metamaterial engineering"
Constantin Simovski
"Non-coherent Raman scattering enhanced by metal surfaces"
Giuseppe Leo
University Paris Diderot, France
"All-dielectric chi(2) nonlinear nanophotonics: fabrication and experiments"